I am amazed at the patience that parents have in organising elaborate weddings. I am not complaining, just observing. Went to a 2-day affair at Coimbatore, where the bride resides. We represented the groom, son of our friend Ravi of Calicut fame. Some pics from the event. Ran into some old students, and made new acquaintances too.. the wedding had some Bengali, Kannada and Arya Samaj touches, and of course, a Mehendi and Sangeet.
Rithvik and Rishuta, in wedding finery..A blog about life, Hindi music, films, humour, books, people, places, events, travel, and occasionally, marketing management or leadership. Mostly apolitical, because that is a personal matter that each of us should decide on, and because I don't want to lose readers!
Karaoke is Fun
Ever since I got a karaoke mic as a 50th birthday present, I have enjoyed it immensely, and broke the ice in many a gathering with its help too. It's a great tool for having unadulterated fun, and in small and large groups-family, students, music groups, anyone .. we have done this at MDP groups with executives! . Just like antakshari, which we did without any accompanying technology. These pics over the years might show you what I am talking about..
Varunika's debut, and I think, Radhika's too (below)- at my IIM Indore residenceTourism and Goa
Goa occupies a unique spot in our psyche out here in India. Its tropical beaches stretch for miles, and give you an opportunity to swim or bathe in the sea almost any time of the year, except when it is raining heavily. Very few beaches in the world can compare.
But more than this, it's an idea. Just the mention of Goa brings a smile to anyone's face. Stories of plans made to go there tumble out, many of which went unfinished. Some who actually made it want to do more of it. I have rarely met a person who does not wish to holiday in Goa, in all these years. It's almost a magical land.
Maybe, at a psychological level, it's a place where you can BE. Try and discover yourself, your limits. Not just the drinking limits, but in forgetting your routines, and immersing yourself-figuratively, in the sea. Enjoying the present, without a care of the past or the future.
Having been there about 8-10 times now, probably more, I can vouch for that feeling. You feel bad when you leave. Viva la Goa!
Long Awaited Goa Trip
It finally happened. The family went on a vacation to Goa and stayed at a new place in Candolim called Lillywood Highland Resort. Also found a decent restaurant called Taste of Goa nearby and gorged on Xacuti Chicken, Chicken Cafreal, Pork Sorpotel, and a few other local specialities. Had a bit of Feni too, before the poll-induced dry days. All in all, had a bit of wine, whisky, beer and Apple Cider-different people, not me alone. Also picked up Kadamba, a Single Malt made here, for 2120 rupees. A good deal, I am guessing.
Satisfying, but never enough, as usual. Pics-
Dressing Up for Guys
All dressed up and nowhere to go? It can happen. Some (guys) like to embellish their look via a Kurta. With a pyjama, of course, but someti...
These Were Liked a Lot
There is this game of songs-no idea what it's called in English, if at all- called Antakshari, where you sing a song, and the next pers...
Just started teaching the Digital Marketing course for its second run. In between last year and this year, two important things happened.. ...
The Bangalore Years (1982-84) at IIMB What happens to anyone who goes to an IIM is that his life changes forever. It is a unique environm...
Students Over the Years- Part (2019 Edition) Part 1 Sanjana Rao Yarram She was awesome as Lady Bracknell in the staging of The ...
Whoever said a rice cooker is only for cooking rice? On the lookout for new ways to make tea since my only gas cylinder got exhausted and w...
I am amazed at the patience that parents have in organising elaborate weddings. I am not complaining, just observing. Went to a 2-day affai...
I discovered a new website thanks to an article I was reading in the Mint Lounge (the saturday paper that I have come to like). It is www.re...