Productivity in Arts

How do we measure productivity in arts? Is quality related to productivity? For example, in teaching/academics, the current trend is to measure a person's "greatness" or GQ, by the number of papers he/she has published. In general, my feeling is, whenever we are unable to judge quality, we measure quantity, and think we have done a great job. Maybe this needs a rethink. What if the guy who wrote Ramayana wrote nothing else?

1 comment:

Harimohan said...

That's interesting. I am inclined to lean towards the quality angle rather than quantity in creativity. In fact one of my Profs at MBA college Trivikrama did his Ph.D in some subject concernign creativity and his questionnaires to us included thinking of as many different options as we could in a limited period of time. My qustion to him was that what if I got the most creative or hatke perspective and only one as opposed to fifty not so creative ones. He seemed convinced that fifty not so creative is what counts and not one Ramayana. Personally I should go with the one great idea. Also it shows a dangerous trend of recognising mediocrity or not so great ideas and pushing them across as creativity..

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