Paulo Coelho and Michael Moore

A brief review of two books I read last weekend.

Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho is an interesting book. It looks at inmates of a mental asylum in Slovenia (where is that?) and delves into our inhibitions, need to conform to societal norms, and inability to let go. Also, it leaves you wondering if everyone is 'mad' in their own way.

Michael Moore's Stupid White Men is a typical takeoff on George W. Bush, Gore, and all the white men in the U.S. and the world, in general. Very persuasively, Moore argues that the bomb was made by a white man, the internal combustion engine which pollutes our air was made by a white man, people who chucked him out of his jobs were all white men, and on. But the media always portrays the villain as being black men or other non-white men. It's hilariously funny, and also scathing in attacking many holy cows...if Tharoor had done it, he would have been exiled. Rupert Murdoch's company (his US publisher) did try to stop it, but the association of Librarians' raised a stink, until the publisher was forced to publish the book as per their contract.


Diamond Head said...

That is indeed a study in contrasts - much like Napalm and Silly Putty.

btw - Are you consuming copious amounts of Chyawanprash (I think I got the spelling right - in a way it befits a concotion made from strange sounding roots and herbs that are almost extinct or soon to be) - so called mental laxative - to keep you lucid during these enlightening narrations some of which I notice happen at late hours?

Whatever you are imbibing - its working - I can barely keep my eyes open these days beyond say 10 pm even when there is some seriously hilarious content from George Carlin that I am absorbing!

Rajendra said...

Some guy has said that the world is composed of duality..might be from the Dwaita (duality) school of thought, I am not sure. I am just a part of this world. I do like contrasts. As for imbibing, it's only the legal stuff in small quantities. The late hours are not necessarily late, as Indian Standard Time and Microsoft Standard Time do not match.

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