Apes and Men- Book Reviews

We are still aping apes in many ways. That is a conclusion of the author of The Naked Ape- a fascinating book by a biologist who looks at things relatively dispassionately, comparing humans with other species. Of course, we are more evolved in certain ways-brain size for example, but do we use the bigger brains for our own good? Doubtful.

Another startling premise of the author is that we are the sexiest of the species, which he proves through a lot of anatomical analysis and some behavioral analysis. One other conclusion worth a thought is that sexual and biological behaviour has dictated large parts of our civilization and its modern form, rather than the other way round.

Another interesting book I am reading now is the Mahabharat retold with a title "Palace of Illusions"- only, it is retold from Draupadi's viewpoint. She has a Karna-fixation, for example, according to this version. Some of the perspectives are illuminating,for example, that kings and commoners are all victims of ambition, jealousy, lust, vengefulness and so on. Another new dimension is that of the saas bahu rishta between Kunti and Draupadi (Ekta Kapoor could make a new serial based on these Kunti-Draupadi sections of the book).


Diamond Head said...


Beyond said...

Thanks a lot for a wonderful review. That would help me to pick the book.

Rajendra said...

U are welcome, Rajat.

Harimohan said...

'Palace of Illusions' is undoubtedly one of the best reads I have come across by an Indian author for many years now. It once again showed me that there are many aspects of the 'Mahabharatha' that I have missed out, in all those versions that I have read. Draupadi's viewpoint is amazing - and as the woman who is the cause of the great war, even more interesting. I recommend it to all and sundry these days!

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