Daily Routine of a Yogi

What would the typical day in the life of a yogi be like? Imagine..

5.00 am: Biological alarm gives a wakeup call.

5.45 am: Ready to go.

6.00 am: Meditate for world peace.

7.00 am: Eat sattvik breakfast

8.00 am: Meet early morning visitors

11.00 am: Eat light lunch of fruits and buttermilk

12 noon: Take a yogic power nap

1 pm: Shoot for the Yoga Channel with studio audience.

2 pm: Shoot commercial for Ashram's ayurvedic products

3 pm: Watch competing channels and competing programs as part of Awareness Program:

4 pm: Discourse for the rush of evening devotees/admirers/students/riff-raff

7 pm: Devotional meditation with musician(s) playing alongside

8 pm: Fund-raising phone calls to billionaires

9 pm: Retire for the evening after setting the bio alarm clock for 5 am next morning after dinner (optional).

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