Equivalence- Measuring Utility

Idle thoughts about some common things and some uncommon ones that we take for granted. If one was to sit down and put a 'value' on it and compare it with other things, what would be equivalent value? Here is an exercise from the vantage point of my top storey!

A green countryside = 100 barren landscapes

One ripe mango = 1000 tasteless fruits

A glance or word of appreciation = 10 phoney awards

A cup of steaming tea on a rainy day = 10 dinners (maybe more)in a five star restaurant

A round of golf with friends = A million bucks

Listening to a song you like, unexpectedly = Priceless

Staring at a mountain, the sea, or a landscape for an hour = 100 days at the office

Playing with a child/baby = Playing one hole on a golf course with friends

One day of childhood = One year of adulthood


Harimohan said...

Fantastic! Super list.

Diamond Head said...

finding a clean rest room in the middle of a long 'State Transport' journey - Godly!

(this assumes we believe in the Gandhian maxim of 'cleanliness is next to godliness' or that we have attained 'Moksha' given how unachievable either is)

Rajendra said...

Thanks, "Bhashe" and Hari. Ha, ha. Diamond Head, either way, Moksha is achieved/imagined. And since the operational word is Maya, imaginary moksha is Ok too.

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