Knowing your P's and Q's

Ever since someone started a storm in the T cup by coining the phrase EQ and landing in best-seller territory, there have been a lot of me-too's or wannabes trying to come up with another smart acronym- and a bestseller. So, giving my imagination a long rope, here's my list of Q's.

AQ - Awesomeness Quotient, useful if you are a teenager with limited vocabulary.

BQ - Bitchiness Quotient. Cat-fights are among cats. Who says?

CQ - Creepiness Quotient. You can usually recognise the high-scorers in seconds.

DQ - Dumb-bell Quotient. Does not discriminate between genders. Or hair colour.

EQ is already taken. Millions made.

FQ - this is easy. Fun Quotient.

GQ - Gregariousness Quotient.

HQ - Hemming and Hawing Quotient, from Hamlet, who had a high score.

IQ- the original one.

JQ - Joviality Quotient.

KQ - Kissability Quotient, for the daters.

LQ - Loveability Quotient, for those who love other humans. Tinder, loving care.

MQ - Marriageability Quotient, similar to the one above. Also similar to Money Quotient.

NQ - Nonsense Quotient. Easy to find, particularly in celebrities.

OQ - Over-the-top Quotient. Lady Gaga? She gets my vote for the top of the tops.

PQ - Pliability Quotient. People high on this are usually called 'chamchas'.

QQ - Quotability Quotient. Oscar Wilde and Benjamin Disraeli were peak performers.

RQ - Rockstar Quotient. As we all know, people rock, even if they are not into rock 'n roll

SQ - Slipperiness Quotient, for all those slippery-as-eel characters.

TQ - Tantrum throwing Quotient. Particularly useful for children, girlfriends and dare I say it, wives.

UQ - Uniqueness Quotient. Difficult to establish, as there are seven billion of us all with two hands, an ear, and a nose. Personal branding might help.

VQ - Vanity Quotient, measured by the number of times you look in the mirror in an hour. Or at your Fb DP to check the number of likes.

WQ - Weirdness Quotient. No limits to how weird you can get.

XQ - The X factor, not a quotient. Unexplained, yet important.

YQ - Yaari Quotient. As in Yaari dosti, one which you have to 'nibhao' once in a while.

ZQ - Zinda-dili Quotient. Zest-for-life could be an equivalent Quotient.


ಭಾಶೇ said...

WOW! You made them up? (24 of them)

This list is too good!

Rajendra said...

Yes, Sowmya. The benefits of eating Instant Noodles, I guess.

Rajendra said...
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Shraddha Nigdikar said...

Weirdness quotient! Love that one.

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