Rebirth of a Mall

There is this SGS mall in Pune which is one of my favourites. Not because of the clothes it sells at exorbitant prices like most malls, but because it has a Landmark, and I usually go to malls only for their bookshops.And occasionally for movies, or food while hanging around for the movie to start.

This mall closed down for a while because- can you believe it?- they did not pay some municipal taxes. Don't know if it was a retrospective tax as per current fashion (who says the taxing guys are unfashionable?). But the upshot of all that was the closure of this mall. But everything is hunky dory now, as I confirmed yesterday by going there and hanging around. A mall is a good place to hang around, except this one has tuneless songs playing and an announcer who thinks he is Amen Sayani of the golden radio voice fame, but is more like Cacophonix.

Anyway, all's well that malls well, or gells well! Hell's bells. Truth will tell. Gear up and sell!


Diamond Head said...

Was there any good bhel?

Rajendra said...

Bhel, yes. Good, no.

Meghna said...

Apt description of the announcer. I have been there a couple of times, incidentally for Landmark. And while in the food court I - quite unsuccessfully - tried to comprehend what the voice was trying to say. Later I wanted to stuff some food into the mic to shut it up, obviously that too did not happen. Landmark was my only refuge.

Rajendra said...

Thanks, fellow 'Landmarker' Meghna. In the bad old days, airport announcements used to sound like that.

Meghna said...

The railway station announcements can probably compete..

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