A Novel Protest

I protest. Against what, you may well ask. And you should. Because this is the mother of all protests. Like some war (I forget which, there are so many of them) was to be the mother of all wars. Who the father was, is an irrelevant aside.

The same problem as in wars is now pervading protests. Every other day, there is a new one. I get a headache just trying to remember who protested against what yesterday, and what they will protest about tomorrow. Sundry airline employees have regularly joined their grounded brethren (and sistren?) in protesting the non-payment of wages. Never imagined that flying high could come at such a 'high' price.

People are doing things like going for a swim in a novel protest form hitherto unexplored, simulating what will happen to them if a certain dam is built, extended etc. Bank employees think that all the cash that passes through their hands should belong to them, and therefore keep protesting. You name it, and there is a protest, either for or against something. If elections are around the corner, the issue gets even more vexing.

My protest is against all the protests. Just chill, drink beer so that the airline gets money to pay its pilots if you wish, but for God's sake, stop protesting!

Statutory Warning: Cartoonists beware. Protesting with a cartoon is no longer good for your health.
BTW, is it easier to think of a toon when you are in a 'car?'


Diamond Head said...

In America they do Vigils which I suspect are a close cousin of the Protest - involves use of lot of candles - not entirely sure what is more effective or if its just a boondoggle.. there is also a concept of Rally - sometimes with motorbikes in the local markets

Rajendra said...

If a virgin does a Vigil, will she turn into Virgil? (understand he was a great poet in the pre-historic era)..an attempt at a PJ inspired by your term for protest.

Diamond Head said...

Or a vigilauntie

Mr. Boggle said...

Seems to be an apparent contradiction. Generally speaking aunties are not virgins. Rajni fans will say "Vigil Podu"

Meghna said...

Rightfully, the Mother of all protests..!

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