Phokat ka (Free) Advice

Giving advice is not considered a vice, apparently, or it would not be so rampant- under assumptions of the moral code. But there are so many experts giving you so much of gratuitous advice, that it forces me to enter the agonising agony uncle space, and list out some great pieces of it. If you go to pieces after you read it, well, that's your problem.

On How to handle Summers
Drink lots of water.
Make a crown of onions and place it on your head.

On How to handle Pimples
Don't eat oily stuff

On How to Reduce Weight
1. Eat only carbs
2. Eat only proteins
3. Eat moderately 6 times a day
4. Gorge to your heart's content.
Take your pick.

On Investing
Think of the long term goals. (This must have been the reason the dinosaurs got wiped out.)

On Selecting a Mate to get married to
You should look for compatibility (ha, ha..can't resist that)

On Divorce
Get a good lawyer who knows how to get a fat alimony (if you are the wife)

On Coping with Loss
Eat lots of vada pav- it's the cheapest distraction you are going to get. Going away to Switzerlland is recommended for those who have a bank account there.


Harimohan said...

How about this classic which could vie for the most phukat ka advice crown - 'Be careful'.

Meghna said...

ha ha! I'm picking option 4 for losing weight. The one about choosing the right mate for marriage is epic!

Rajendra said...

Meghna, Rujuta Divekar is going to throw a fit!
Yes, Hari, I agree.

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