A Way to Die Happily

Death and taxes, as someone has pointed out, are inevitable. But happiness is not. Particularly when it concerns dying. We are into life-prolonging mechanisms of all sorts, including practicing bizarre medicine, prayers, and the like. Not to mention body-freezing and other 'scientific' methods.

But this is not about prolonging life. It is about being happy while you die. Unfortunately, it is not a theory I developed. I am merely narrating it, in my own words. It is from an essay by Umberto Eco, probably translated from the Italian.

You must think of everyone else in the world as a fool. Except you. But this must not happen too early in life. My view is this is where we go wrong. Anyway, why?

We will never be happy if we think that all that we are going to miss is really good/worthwhile. Then we wouldn't want to go. The people, places, things that we leave behind must seem worthless. That would make us happy. But if that happens too early, then we wouldn't enjoy life. Gradually, over a period, we must therefore develop a 'superiority complex', if I may paraphrase Eco. And feel happy that we are going beyond it all.

For details, refer to his original writing. As a theory, it makes sense, don't you think?

1 comment:

Diamond Head said...

Many have chosen the path where they think its Better "Beyond" so lets jump ship. Personally I will miss good food and beer. 'Moha'n Mea'kin' ship or something..

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