Formula for Happiness

Formulas galore are offered for you to be fit, healthy, happy, live the rest of your life in Nirvana. I thought I could try and become another in the long line of philosophers. Difference is, my formula is easy to use, and 100% guaranteed. Others may say that, but this actually will work.

Set aside 5 minutes to think what makes you happy. Regardless of what you thought, do the following.

1. Take 15 minutes a day and drink your favourite beverage (it could be carrot juice, coffee, or single malt).

2. Take another 30 minutes and listen to your favourite music- disco, ghazal, whatever.

3. Read at least 10 pages from a nice book (not the happiness formula books)- won't take more than 20 minutes. If you are down and out, read humour, preferably. Or else, anything. James Hadley Chase is not forbidden. Nothing is.

4. Walk and if you like to, add a golf club to your walk. If not, still walk with some greenery around.

5. Eat one of the following without fail everyday.. Chocolate (particularly if you are a female), bhutta, pani-puri, vada pao, pav-bhaji, pakodas.

Guaranteed to keep you happy as long as you have teeth (to eat the items in no.5). Have a great day-everyday.


Diamond Head said...

There is a bank stateside (lousy one at that) whose tagline might apply - CHASE WHAT MATTERS!

smita said...

Gabriele Muccino took some two hours to say something similar to this.

Rajendra said...

I think no.6 could be have a good laugh at someone or something. Cures the blues pretty fast!

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