Driving People Up the Wall

Here is a poetic tribute to the goings on in the capital city of Delhi.

There is this guy called Kejriwal
Who does not like working in a hall
And the moment people try and fence him in
He sits on a road and drives everybody up the wall.

His ministers are equally agile
They use all their guile
They order arrests on the go
And they shake up the rank and file.

The law minister is in the dock
He tried giving the cops a sock
So gave him a chargesheet
and are thinking of a key and a lock.

Going forward they think
It will earn them their link
with the lok in the sabha
But methinks they will sink.

People may like anarchy once
and play the dunce
but if it comes to a crunch
everyone would vote for governance.


Diamond Head said...

the USA has Wall Street; China has a Walled City so should India go with Kejri Wall?

Rajendra said...

Yes, we must have a wall that competes, to maintain parity, as a wannabe superpower.

smita said...

And the poet is?

Rajendra said...

Well, Smita, my repressed poetic talent bursts forth from time to time, when appropriate events happen, like the cartoonist getting inspired by suitable faces.

smita said...

Thanks to the events in that case!

Harimohan said...

Good one Prof.

Harimohan said...

Good one Prof.

Rajendra said...

Thanks, Hari, and the events, Smita.

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