Monthly Calendar of Activities 2014

My well thought-out plans for 2014. Subject to interventions by major (non-natural) elements of life.

January- Make plans for summer vacations
February- Increase spending/day to revel in the shorter month.
March- Await the ides of March, if you have read Julius Caesar.
April- Save for the summer vacation you planned earlier.
May- Take the summer vacation

June- Save to compensate for all the extra shopping in May. (There is no free lunch, dinner or anything).
July- Teach
August- Teach
September- Teach and grade
October- Celebrate (own) birthday, and speculate on how many more are left.
November- Buy a new razaai/quilt to prepare for the winter. Maybe a bottle of brandy too, if a severe winter is predicted.
December- Freeze, travel through fog-delayed flights to unexpected destinations, celebrate 30th reunion with MBA classmates, and a family reunion somewhere.

Common to all months- blog on, pay taxes, and be happy!

Dressing Up for Guys

 All dressed up and nowhere to go? It can happen. Some (guys) like to embellish their look via a Kurta. With a pyjama, of course, but someti...

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