Anopheles Makes a Surprise Visit

Anopheles and Me

For those who have lost the plot ..err, haven't been following the plot, Anopheles is a female mosquito who drops in on me to have a chat once in a while. We have had conversations on every topic in the world- theirs and ours. I had not seen her in a while, and it was a pleasant surprise to hear her buzz into my room.

"What is a war?" she asked without a preamble.
"Well, it is a situation in which we kill each other." I tried.
"But why do you kill each other?" she wasn't satisfied, as I was afraid she wouldn't.

"Some of us want to expand our kingdoms" I said, thinking of Alexander the Great.
"Are large kingdoms necessary for a king to be happy?"she innocently asked.
"I can't say, I never had one" I told her.

"So what's your poison?" she queried.
"Mine, I guess, is the ego. Without the achievements to accompany the desire, I want people to tell me I am great. This is a failing of the human race, not mine alone." I rationalised.
"And that makes you happy?"
"Temporarily, yes. But not for too long. I want a new toy after a while, because the old one ceases to tickle."I tried explaining.

"Could this ego, as you call it, also be the cause of some of the wars that I hear you keep having regularly?"she persisted.
I thought about Bush and his random wars on terror, Iraq versus Kuwait, Iran-Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, and all the others.
"I suppose so, at least many of the wars were ego-based," I had to conclude.
"But tell me, why are you in a war-like mood today?"I tried levity, in a bid to lighten the conversation.
"Because my kid whom I raised so lovingly, fought with me over a trivial issue and flew away from home,"she confided.

"Oh, my," I thought. Their world is not so different after all. And tried consoling her with some soothing words that helped her calm down. She promised to wait a day or two hoping he would return, and bid goodbye.

Impending Vacation

I like my vocation because it entitles you to a vacation, against the norms of corporate behaviour, where anything other than value-added stuff contributing to the bottom line (wonder why it's at the bottom) is frowned upon.

So this animal called a vacation seems to be drawing close, with some prospects of Golf with friends being a part of it. There is a planned trip to Munnar to play and sip some signature tea, I hope. I stayed in Kerala for two years but never got around to going there.

While on the subject, I started playing some Golf on our own cricket ground in IIM Indore today. I intend to train colleagues if any are interested in the game, and maybe students if the numbers are manageable. The ground is large enogh to do some shots with a medium distance iron, and that can give you a good feel for it, and make you feel good that you know some of the great game. Trust the Scots to invent all the highfalutin stuff! They must have been itching to be different from the boring Brits!

The Earth Quakes

An earthquake is extremely unpredictable in its magnitude and the distance it covers in various forms-like a tsunami, for instance. In December 2004, just as we were concluding an alumni batch meet, we heard of the tsunami that reached coastal Tamilnadu and caused huge damage. It had originated in Indonesia then.

The Himalayas are said to be sitting on a fault line-potential quake zone- and the earthquake yesterday seemed to prove that, as did an earlier one in Uttarakhand a few years ago. Some countries like Japan have got used to earthquakes, and seem better prepared than the rest to tackle it. We still seem indifferent, as typically, we value a life less than the advanced countries such as the U.S. or Japan.

While we need to reach out to those in distress, we can also take some preventive steps, like providing housing that is structurally safe to as many people as possible-not through doles, but through work that pays for it.

This government seems proactive on aiding those in trouble, as it showed in Yemen recently, and that's a welcome change from the past. Hope we get more proactive in preventing disasters too.

I Decide

Gathering from all my six senses as to what works, I decided-for me, that's a BIG Deal, as I am not a decision-maker by nature-more of a vacillator. But now, inspired by some great guys, I have decided. That I will walk to Kedarnath.

You may well ask, why Kedarnath?

I'd reply, "Why not?"

It's a holy journey, so I can wash a few sins off-bathing in the Ganga is too cold a way of doing it, for me.

It's a good, healthy walk, so I can shed a few pounds, along with my sins.

It is cool out there, so this is a good time to be there- I can't afford to go to Europe.

It is a politically correct thing to do- compared to going to Bangkok.

I might just make it to the headlines.

What if there is a lanslide? Well, it's better to be buried in mud, rather than bury my head in sand!

Fun Evening With Students

The music club of our IPM students organised a fun evening yesterday with some faculty singing. This was a novel idea, since usually we are at the receiving end (of singing). I enjoyed it a lot, and diverse talent was unearthed in the process (not talking of yours truly- I discovered myself quite some time ago), including some talented faculty kids.

There was pretty good participation from all attending faculty -around six of us did some singing, and there were appreciation awards for all participants-always a good idea to encourage future participation. I sang two songs with help from Shweta, a colleague who supplied the lyrics and voice too. Are yaar meri, tum bhi ho ghazab, was a duet which came out well. There was a colleague, Pawan Singh, who sang a high-pitched Mahendra Kapoor song rather well, describing how Kaliyug would pan out, almost like an Orwellian prophecy. That song was from the film Gopi. Another faculty colleague, Venkat, did a couple of nice Hemant Kumar songs.

There were also some neat songs sung by the students themselves, to the accompaniment of guitarists-one of them being a visitor who'd travelled with his guitar from Hyderabad. There were also  a couple of Telugu songs. The compering was first rate, with the threats to sing (from her) being used to good effect.

The Vanishing Bookstores

When visiting Pune recently, I found that the Landmark, which originally started out as a bookstore plus in Chennai a few years ago and then got taken over by the Tatas, had closed its branch at SGS Mall, which was accessible easily to me from where I live.

This is not the only bookstore I know that has closed, though. There are many more. Manney's also in the same area as above, shut down earlier. A few Crosswords that I knew of have also closed-one on Bangalore's Residency Road, for instance.

As a person who likes to browse before he buys, I am concerned. That civilisation is in danger, if we only order online and don't want to spend the time browsing in actual physical stores. There seems to be something wrong here. Airport bookstalls were almost a given, until I found two years ago that Delhi's budget departure lounge did not have a book store any more. This is such an obvious place to sell books, so I don't know what went wrong. The greed of the airport in increasing lease rentals, sounds like a plausible explanation.

Anyway, as I was saying, I am concerned. And I hope that there are a few good stores left to sell books during my lifetime.

Why Thoughts Occur

If you thought that this was going to be a brainy kind of research-based post on the brain, think again. I just thought (why?) that I should post something and to keep that thought alive, started typing. You get the drift? Ok, so now, let's take it a step further.

Thoughts occur for a few basic reasons.
1. A brain thinks it has to have thoughts.
2. You can ask it to shut up, but usually don't. You know how it is, with certain people; so it is with certain parts of your body.
3. Therefore, thoughts occur.
4. Sometimes, they are simple fulfillable desires-like I want ice cream, or a chai, or, to listen to a song.
5. Sometimes they are not- like wanting to become the ruler of Baghdad (isn't someone?), own a yacht (not sure even how it's spelt), own a beer factory (someone does, I am pretty sure), have twenty butlers at the same time (notwithstanding that their butts would collide with each others' in their eager attempts at buttling), etc..

Then, finally, I thought about why I should think any such random thoughts. And instead, like a good follower of the numerous gurus I have read, decided to be in the present. And concentrate on the cup of tea I have in front. After the effort of all that thinking, it does taste very good.

Court- Film Review

This is a different film, and please don't watch it if you are looking for entertainment. It's in Marathi with subtitles, and has won awards in foreign festivals. That might indicate that the audience has to be of a serious bent of mind to appreciate it.

This is about the court proceedings in two cases-both against an ageing folk singer, who is accused of abetment to suicide, and then, after he gets bail, of inciting violence and being a terrorist sympathiser. All he ever does, actually, is sing folk songs that are sometimes anti-establishment, to crowds that are rarely over a hundred at a time.

The point of the film is to make a statement on our judicial system, and how, unwittingly sometimes, it promotes miscarriage of justice. It also hints at the investigation system and witness presentation system being faulty, leaving judges helpless. Some of our laws date back a 100 years, and are crying out for change.

Other aspects it touches on are the unprotected municipal workers cleaning the drains (symbolic of filth in society?) for us while risking their lives.

All, in all, a serious film, presented realistically, without malice towards anybody. A social commentary well worth a watch by the right kind of audience. My respect for Marathi films is growing.

Month-wise Remix of Solomon Grundy

Remixes are possible with nursery rhymes too. One of my favourite rhymes was Solomon Grundy. His life was fast and furious, which I admire. So here goes-

Corporate Solomon Grundy

Born in Jan, Opened facebook account in Feb, B. Tech. in March, Joined Infosys in April, Became Team Lead in May, got an MBA in June, became CEO in July, Retired in August, Joined NGO for climate change in September, Climate changed in October, Nobel Prize in November, and Drowned in December from the melting glaciers.

Aam Admi Grundy

Ramlila maidan in Jan, Hazare ko aakhri salaam in Feb, Delhi election in March, Resigned and bathing at Ganga Ghat in April , Lost in May, Back to monkey tricks in June, Won Delhi in July, Found Kaminey in August, Sting in September, Still coughing in October, Stuck his neck in sand in November, Buried in sand-storm in December.

Entrepreneurial Thoughts

Here are some thoughts on the subject of entrepreneurship. Since my area is thinking, this seems appropriate to me.

Why do some products/services succeed wildly when many bite the dust/become so-so survivors?

In my not-so-humble opinion (IMNSHO), it is because no one needs them. If a person (lots of people) needs (need) something, they move heaven and earth to get it. Lots of examples come to mind, ranging from a matchbox to a mobile phone or its service provider, to the life-is-jhingalala TV dish, to the internet connection (for the mobile-haters) provider, to Blogger (for those who can't resist putting finger to keyboard), to a pair of scissors (for those with overgrown nails or nose hair or just a packet that needs to be cut open), to a can-opener (beer cans don't these, so they are exempt), a ticket to a good movie, or concert- they don't need no salesman.

Insurance, on the other hand, is a product no one will stand in a line to buy. So don't start an insurance company. Rather, start a food stall, even if you do a pani-puri or idli-sambar. Find a product or service (liaison with government offices until achche din come along) that people will gladly pay for, and you are in (a good) business!

That's the key, and that's all you need to know-from me. The rest you can figure out as you go along. Happy entrepreneurship!

Indianising English

We have made English our own; so much that we can barely recognise it. The English would be puzzled at some of the things we do (like we are puzzled by many things they do-mess around in Iraq, for instance).

Like 'prepone' things instead of advance them.

Using "Could able to" where it has no business being used.

I did not knew - did you?

The cost was very less- oh, was it?

Did you discuss about the important news?

And, not to differentiate, "Ï'm Loving It"is also grammatically wrong.  In case you are going to a McD to improve your kid's English, please rethink.

Mother's Day- Play Review

This is a Marathi play that stars my cousin Suhita Thatte in a major role. So, naturally, we went in full force to the Balgandharva Rangamandir-me, after a long time.

The play, billed as a black comedy, lives up to its billing. The first act particularly, is full of barbs that fly non-stop, about parent-child relations, sibling rivalry, disregard for the aged, and many things else. Witty dialogue, sharp delivery and great acting from the four women (it's an all-women starrer)-most of whom act together in a TV serial, I understand (with Rohini Hattangadi and a couple of others), it is a must-watch for Marathi speakers.

The second Act is relatively sombre, but brings things to a climax that is somewhat expected, but closed out decently. Makes you think about a mother's unconditional love (a Kaikeyi or two notwithstanding-but even she loved Bharat that way), and how the kids are usually heartless. In this play, the daughters are the heartless ones (but one), while the daughter-in-law is the loving, dutiful one who cares for her mother-in-law in coma.

All in all, a great experience. Coming soon after The Importance of Being Earnest staged at IIM Indore, it put me a in a 'playful' mood.

Byomkesh Bakshi and More- Films

Saw a Marathi film that was really well-made. It is called Coffee ani barach kahi (Coffee and much more). Very nicely directed, simple story of a guy who can't get himself to tell the girl from office that he loves, that he does. She is stuck on the view that he has to propose. The happy ending happens after a lot of waiting, but it is handled well. The lead pair, Prarthana Behere and Vaibhav Tattwawadi, bring life into their roles, and the support cast is also fantastic. Enjoyable experience.

Also watched Byomkesh Bakshi. It has its moments, of detection and the period atmosphere of 1940s Calcutta. But one feels it could have been tighter on the plot- too many China and Japan distractions for people who are zillion years away from the World War make it look less menacing than it could have been. The last scene is overly dramatic and violent. Why the villain does not shoot Byomkesh (or why he, Byomkesh, does not take adequate precautions not to get shot) is not explained by the sequence of events. The deductions are a bit abrupt, and could have been elaborated on a bit, since it is a complex plot. But still, for fans of the genre, a film that will leave you reasonably happy. Any day beats the crap flying around in the name of Bollywood films. Though Rajit Kapoor was better in this role on TV, Sushant is good, and so is the villain. The Sensuous 'Angoori Devi' adds some zing.

Fools' Day

I like Fools' Day the best of all "Days" celebrated globally.

It is one where we shed our pretences- of being smart, intelligent, holier-than-thou, and all the rest.

It is an opportunity to prove to others what they may not always believe. You know what.

It is a day dedicated to humour, unlike too many days when you have to be serious. Seriously, why is it that we don't take laughter seriously? Heart disease would vanish in a jiffy! Imagine Bush, Osama, and so on on a laughing trip. You can't make war when you laugh.

Fools can sometimes be useful. They are the ones who cling to their ideas, and innovate when no one believes in the. You might say we need fools to keep improving things, inventing things.

Now that I have made my case, I will not prolong my argument foolishly, and stop right here.

Happy Foolishness, whichever day you choose it as your companion.

Dressing Up for Guys

 All dressed up and nowhere to go? It can happen. Some (guys) like to embellish their look via a Kurta. With a pyjama, of course, but someti...

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