Zindagi Ittefaq Hai

This is a favourite song, (link if you want to listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVxCAwqONcI) but also rings true. Most things in life happen serendipitously, or in an unplanned manner.

Thinking back, most of my career choices after school were because friends asked me to appear for some entrance exams-left to myself, I would have probably done the easiest degree available, whatever it was, and gone ahead..and maybe still would have become a teacher :)

Many things we do in life are a result of being in the right place at the right time- from buying a new dress, to starting  a new research project, or deciding where to eat. There's a lot less of planning than we think. The cars I bought in the U.S., particularly the huge 1979 Ford Granada, was because a friend was sellling it, and I was around..it was a luxury car that I enjoyed driving. Before getting back to earth with a more sober Subaru hatchback. That was also because it happened to be available second hand at the dealer we went to..and liked it.

Most books I have found and liked have been while browsing in a bookstore-Landmark, Crossword, Book Bargain Hut, Gangaram's, Blossoms, Sapna, Book Worm, WH Smith, etc..(happened to buy 3 today at one of these). Happy coincidences happen all the time, like meeting your friends, students, or anyone at all, when you least expect it..in a mall, in a corridor, or on the street. A lot of things can happen over coffee, or tea, or beer,..

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