The Ghost Who Walks

One of my favourite characters lived in a skull cave in the jungles of Denkali, among the pygmy Bandar. Guran was a friend of his from that tribe, who shot poisoned arrows. Jungle drums were used to relay messages to the Phantom.

He was The Nemesis of Pirates.

He had a girlfriend called Diana.

Old Jungle Sayings about the Phantom abounded. For instance,

Phantom moves faster than lightning. (when striking opponents too).

You never find the Phantom. He finds you.

The voice of the angry Phantom chills the tiger's blood.

He used to walk the streets of town like an rdinary man sometimes, and order milk in a bar. Devil, his wolf, accompanied him on his trips.

The Phantom Chronicles were stored in a secret vault in the skull cave, and contained the history of how he came to be.

Lee Falk was his creator.

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