Digital Minimalism- Book Review

This is a book close to my heart. How the Smartphone has dumbed down our lives is one of its themes- not the only one, but an important one.

Self-control, or self-help, or Philosophy of Technology, or How to Help Yourself to Small Tech Doses, could have been alternative titles for this book. Written by a Prof., Cal Newport, it is a book which preaches to a convert, in my case.

Much of what he says is fairly obvious, but like telling a smoker about the ill-effects of smoking, it still needs to be said. Our lives have been hijacked by Silicon Valley hijackers, and there's no escape from the pinging, and clinging to a device.

If some sanity (really, mental health of adolescents is a serious issue according to him) is to be restored to human lives, we need to restrict or cut down the use of social media and tech devices, is his basic argument. He is a moderate, though, and argues that you can figure out judicious use of tech and social media, not abandon it altogether because it has its uses.

I could have written this book, maybe not as well as he has. So I think you could do well to read it. There are some possible actions, some of which I follow, some that I have not been able to.

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