Puns and Me

 I am not sure when I got punny. Was it before or after I got funny? IDK. But I did!

Writing is a passion, since at least my MBA days. I wrote for Mural, our wall mag, and was also editor of most student magazines along with Dash during those two years. The 1982-84 yearbook, comprising our take on all 120 (or what remained of these) folks, spicy and funny at the same time, was our Magnum Opus. 

Anyway, to get back, punning became a habit (some might say a nasty habit). The puns just seemed to flow. On the positive side, they indicate that the brain is still functioning, even after 60 years of almost continuous use. Unlike some parts of the body, which are partly paralysed. The negative depends on the reaction of the victims. But then, it teaches them that Life is a sinusoidal curve, with ups and downs. What made me happy a couple of days ago, was this punny note on a present from two students who got Golf lessons from me. 

I am equally happy with the Golfy gift inside as I am with the goofy puns..just my type!


Diamond Head said...

next stop IIM Pun jab?

Rajendra said...

And why not? For the Amrit, sar, if nothing else. Amrut to Bangalore mein bhi hai.

Diamond Head said...

so to sahi

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