New Careers

 I am half-serious, as always. Some careers that I have heard of- or maybe not.

Ghost-writing. You don't have to be a ghost to do this, though you can continue to inspire the living when you reach ghosthood.

Coaching. Not teaching people to bat, bowl, or field, but how to conduct their life- as a conductor! 

TV Debater. There are only 10 people appearing in TV debates on all Indian TV channels put together. This looks like an easy career, if you have strong vocal chords...strikes a chord?

Tele-caller. If you can start selling anything, from undergarments to credit cards to a stranger in under 10 seconds, this one is for you. Numbers to call are provided.

Management Guru. This is a tough one, because half of the U.S. is your competitor. Every Tom, Dick, and Mary has written a book too, so you are way behind. But still, you could give it a shot. 

Ok, you only get this much for free. For more careers, contact my bank..

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