Why Driving is Over-rated

 Like many other things, driving is vastly over-rated, in my view.

First off, you have several factors that you have no control over, when you drive. Other drivers, who seem to be nitwits to use a mild phrase, mostly.

Second, you have to contend with traffic. And signals. My God, that RED circle stays with you for eternity.

The zigzagging morons. Less said the better.

Highways which earlier were a paradise, now have a serpent. The toll booths. Not sure for whom that bell tolled, but these toll for you.

Best of all, those who come straight at you, driving on the wrong side. And then give you a mouthful when you so much as stare at them... 

Well, that is why I drive no longer. Unless my life depends on it.

Driverless cars? I am all for them. Let the machines fight it out. May the best robot win. And why stop at cars? Let's have driverless scooters and motorbikes too..the more the merrier! What say?

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