Solving World Problems

 Politicians, or governing bosses by whatever name, have been claiming that they will solve problems like poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, inequity across the world. Not only have these remained unsolved, there are new problems now, like schools becoming shooting ranges, ethnic conflicts, empire-mongering (for want of a better word), and in general, unethical behaviour among many sections of people- not just politicos.

So nature shows its middle finger, once in a while, with climate change, earthquakes, and tornadoes or hurricanes. Major man-made disasters like COVID- no matter WHO is to blame (pun unintended) add to the misery of the hardest hit.

Corporates were thought to be the panacea, because many of them create wealth. But no longer are we sure that this wealth is shared with society, the way it was envisaged. So we compel them to through a gamut of laws including CSR and Sustainability standards etc.

The short point of this piece, is that we have a long way to go in solving problems. And tech is not the answer, all by itself. Human evolution might be. But looking at history, your guess is as good as mine, on when that is likely to happen.

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