Beauty and the Beholder

 Why is it said that beauty lies in a beholder's eyes?

Mainly because beauty has multiple definitions. The skincare companies would like you to believe it's skin deep, but that's just one (visible) aspect. What about the beauty of the mind, which is creative, inventive, imaginative? 

A particular body shape may look attractive at first sight, but that too is subjective, depending on which part of the world you live in. Again, the fashion mags would have you believe that what they propagate as the shape (forget the clothes) is fashionable, as a body type.

Ask a person in love. It could be a gesture, or the way she/he carries herself, or almost anything that creates the beauty in their eyes.

Or ask a child. To him, his mother would be the most beautiful creature. Likewise, a mother would think the same about her kids.

Look for beauty beyond the obvious, and if possible, appreciate it too.

1 comment:

Diamond Head said...

First of all I think the phrase needs to say 'beholdee' not 'beholder' but then again English is a strange language.

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