Fun With Alums- At Home

 Got a surprise visit from two IPM alums who were in my Marketing Research class too- Amogh Jawa and Vanshika Chaudhary- she's on to a Ph.D. in Eco. now and he works for Caratlane.

They came with old friend Shweta Kushal, prof. at IIM I. We joined IIM at the same time, and are 'batchmates' therefore!

We had great fun, cooking, eating and drinking.. and singing. Vanshika is a great singer, and also plays the guitar! She also trains people in taking better selfies. I need to enroll. But she did teach Amogh a thing or two- he's progressing well!

On the Road in Nashik

 Went to a couple of agricultural colleges like K.K. Wagh, and to Sahyadri Farms, a big agricultural cooperative that puts the farmers' interests above all. 

Above- a prof. at K.K. Wagh Agricultural college.

A village themed restaurant

At a pit-stop on the Nashik-Indore highway- above and below.

Work Travels in Delhi and Maharashtra

 We had a rather hectic week, first at an admission fair in Pragati Maidan, Delhi. We met a few prospective students and counseled them to apply to Prestige University, for an MBA or 5 year IMP. That's a BBA plus MBA.

Then, we met a few corporates, among whom was Ms. Silky Mittal of Nestle, who is on our advisory board. 

That's her, in the pic above. She's a Category Head in Foods. Was in charge of Digital Marketing/E commerce earlier. An alum of IIM Calcutta. We also met some alums of Jaipuria, NOIDA, where my Dean worked earlier and Prof. JD Singh had been the founding director. JD Singh was our Marketing prof. at IIMB. Pic below with Vasundhara and Gaurav Tripathi, at BN group, which is into Agri-products.

We then moved to Pune, and met Barclays HR team at Kharadi, and visited a couple of Agricultural colleges in Nagar and Nashik. More on these later.

Some Meetings are Just Too Good

 Ok, one such meetup happened yesterday, with old friends, Prachi Jain and Pratishtha Batra, of IIM Indore fame. There was a new member too in the party, new to me- Mayank. And it was a memorable evening, with all the right ingredients, from different parts of the world-will not mention all of them, lest I make you jealous.

The conversation ranged from Pratishtha's intro to Japanese refreshments (including their Single Malts), and Chinese colleagues, while she worked at the U.N. in Manhattan, no less. Her trysts with snowy work-days too. I countered with stories of my adventures at midnight on 42nd Street, and coming out unmugged. From long ago, of course.

We also remembered funny incidents, not all of which can be quoted here, from their life at Indore as Doctoral students. Seems to have been a fun life, including some special experiences of the faculty there. Reminded me of my MBA days, when we used to draw cartoons about some of our classes and profs.

We also dissected the 'Delhi boys,' and the guys who eat things that grow over the ground- you can draw your own conclusions. The missing team members- Akansh, Neeti Ingole, Geeti, and Vartika and hubby were fondly remembered. Had just met a few of them at Indore at their coming out party..coming out of IIM Indore, I mean..

XLRI Doctoral Colloquium 2024

 Pics from a well-organised event. 

With TAS Vijayaraghavan, my classmate and XLRI prof., and Dr. Prashant, host.

My talk on Building Academic Careers-above- and Soumya, a part of the hosting team, below

With Dr. Patro, the Dean, above and below.

Groups in sessions, and after..

Getting and Giving Compliments

 I got a few this last week or two. From different people, the common thing being that they were doctoral students, and faculty. One was a total stranger, Ananya Ghosh, and I had met her for the first time at a Doctoral Consortium-Colloquium- at XLRI. Anyway, the point is it felt good. 

Some of the actors involved- Prachi Jain, Akansh Khandelwal and Vartika Varyani with hubby in the second pic

At XLRI, Anjana Dharmani, who exchanged some compliments with me- she's a Ph.D. student in Marketing-above, second from right. 

Below, Ananya Ghosh, from St. Xavier's university Kolkata.

Giving compliments is an art, I think. Not everyone can do it. I try, and succeed at times in getting the message across. I enjoy giving them too. Usually brings a smile to the face of the recipient, and I like smiling faces much better than grumpy ones. That was my major complaint against denizens of Kerala when I lived there. They seemed unnecessarily grumpy! No idea why. Not so the Mallus I know from all my places of work, though. Many had a great smile too! I remember Sandhya Sajeev and Pooja Daniel from KIAMS, Harihar, for example. And  Vidya T.C. and Smita Mohan.

Meeting with Doctors of Management

 Those are the doctors I like to meet. Have met Payal Kapoor and a couple of others at MDI recently too. But these were a fresh crop from IIM Indore, and we have been meeting regularly over the last year or more. Prachi and Akansh also made it to a karaoke party at home earlier. The biggest meet was at Pind Balluchi, before some of them were formally 'doctored.' Now, having worn that graduation cap, two of them were in a euphoric state, and though we missed a couple of regulars, one was represented by her parents-Pratishtha. Neeti had just spoken on the phone, and was going off to Amritsar- maybe our (IIM's) fifth contribution. So I told her her future boss was a cool guy, and she replied, " But not as cool as you." That was like a breath of fresh air! Anyway, I don't want to sound too narcissistic-we decided it was somebody else's domain. However, I have to prove we had fun, so here's social proof-

These two, and sweets are inseparable. Vartika and Prachi demonstrate how sweet they can be!

Sweetness multiplied! Akansh joins in.

And Pratishtha's parents too.. 

The one-year-old honeymooners, above. 
Old pals, one a doc and one wannabe, below.

Prachi tries her hand at photography, not trusting Bhanwarilal.

And the gang minus one-he was behind the camera.

Dressing Up for Guys

 All dressed up and nowhere to go? It can happen. Some (guys) like to embellish their look via a Kurta. With a pyjama, of course, but someti...

These Were Liked a Lot