Research Shows - 1

I spent much of my professional life teaching or practicing Market Research. 

So this is my new series regarding real-life research into friends, colleagues, other humans, countries, or things. 

Research shows that-

Politicians never change. We can stop expecting them to do so. They have an election to win, which they are not sure of winning. If they win, they need to recoup their expenses. Simple Maths. 

Parents are predictable. The major drivers for a parent are seeing their kids do well, and they are not reasonable. Blinded by love for kids, they will go to any extent possible to help them succeed.

Kids are also predictable, mostly. They rebel, at some point, for a long time. That goes on until they go through the same phase that the parents have. Eventually, life teaches everyone a lesson. We think we are different, but we are not all that different.


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