Murakami Whodunit

Read a book by Hariku (?) Murakami called Dance, Dance, Dance. Translated from the Japanese. I was reading fiction after a long time, and couldn't put the book down. It is a bit unusual, in the sense that it combines the everyday whodunit with something like a whatdunit, and throws in a bit of 'who-am-I' and 'what-is-this-new-advanced-capitalistic society all about' kind of thing throughout the plot.

The most interesting relationship portrayed in the book is an unexpected one between the protagonist- male, 34 year old detective, and a 13 year old girl he's forced to mentor. The exchanges between them reminded me of some between me and my daughters, or, for that matter, most fathers and daughters. Some metaphysical beings are also thrown in, for good measure. Refreshing change from what I have been used to reading by way of fiction and whodunits. I may end up reading more of him, I think.

Had a couple of close encounters with an older (than I) set of relatives, and really enjoyed the conversation. Not all old guys are bores, is a welcome revelation as I trundle along into the category- no, of course I am not THERE yet!


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