Phantom Limbs

The other strange finding from the experiments of the good brain doctor (author of Phantoms in the Brain) is about phantom limbs. It seems a lot of patients who have a limb amputated (cut off, in plain English) due to disease or accident, still have sensations in the amputated limb. They can also feel pain in it!

Some innovative treatments that the neurologist proposes are visualising in front of a mirror that you have the limb and then 'adjusting' the brain to the new information. For some inexplicable reasons, this treatment has worked. The moral of the story is that the brain's neurons readjust to new information (eg: amputation) in a particular way. They also get sensations from another body part (eg: face) which replicates the lost part (maybe an arm or foot)in terms of reproducing the same sensation. Touching the face may feel to the patient as if his (non-existent) arm is being touched. This is in accordance with a map (Penfield Map) that specifies which parts of the body are close to each other in their original sensations in the healthy individual. Fascinating stuff, but the author hastens to say, there is a lot that they don't know yet...


Diamond Head said...

And then there is Pralhad Jani - Yogi (not Berra) who knows not if he is a man or woman - others wonder if he is a phantom or a real human - one wonders about the mysteries that are.

Rajendra said...

This comment of yours leads me to an interesting question. If you had to figure out whether a person is a man or a woman without looking or hearing their voice, maybe through a questionnaire, what would your questions be? What are the behavioral differentiators, in other words?

Diamond Head said...

Some gems from the workshop -

1. How often do you spend on hair (may substitue any other appendage that can get off the shelf product or service) related product or services? Again the response needs to be benchmarked to local geography since the response rates may vary substantially based on Lat Long (of the individual that is).

A. Men < once in couple of months;
Women > once a week (at least)

2. How often do you ogle at the female anatomy?

A. Men - hard to say (ahem);
Women - How dare you?
Again lat long influences the reaction to a large extent (literally)

3. Do you know where we are going?

A. Men - of course (read OFF COURSE); Women - I have it written down.

4. Do you ensure that your clothing is event appropriate?

A. Men - My spouse takes care of that(applies largely to married variety); Women - I have to worry about everyone in the family.

5. How do you shop?

A. Men - Start by asking - how much is that?; Women - I like that - I will take it.

Now you can use this insight and line of thinking to entertain yourself as only a man could think of doing.

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