Telugu Bidda

I always wanted to know Telugu Biddas better. So I set about interviewing a young one.

"What do you want to become when you grow up?"

He said, "Go to the US."

I said, "No, I mean, what kind of work? Profession? Career?"

He said, "It doesn't matter. It should be in the US."

I asked "But don't you like something? Arts, Science, Flying a plane?"

He said, "I don't know, I never thought about it. My parents always told me I should go to IIT, and my friends said after that you can go to the US."

I enquired, "What will you do after going there?"

"Study, get a job, marry a girl from Hyderabad."

"Why do you want to live in the US?"

"They are the Bosses of the world. Everyone listens to them. And if they don't, the drone attacks start. Soon, the drones drown the opposition."

"But, isn't that something like colonial masters' behavior?" I am puzzled.

"No. The colonial masters tortured and enslaved people. Here, they are only bombing the military targets."

"But what business is it of the US anyway?" I want to know.

"How will they protect the world if they keep quiet?" my young friend replied.

I let it go at that, my mind full of images of Quick Gun Murugan policing the world, making it a better place for all of us.


Harimohan said...

Great stuff Raja! Da Bong had me hooked, but the Kannada, Telugu and Marathi ones are even better. I really like this idea and am looking forward to the next - which I am going to take a bet on - Mallu!

Rajendra said...

Thank you, Hari. Will try my favourite punching bags, at the risk of antagonising friends from Malludom, certainly.

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