New Forms of Knighthood

It's time to democratise Knighthood. America is the logical global policeman who should take the lead. But since it is a democratic process, let me, a non-American, outline some of the contours of the proposal. First of all, the people conferred with the honour will be called Days, not Knights.

Citizens (and not Kings or Queens, obnoxious relics of a non-democratic way of functioning) will confer 'Dayhood on the 'Days'. They will be nominated based on what happens in the neighbourhood. I can nominate my bus conductor, or school teacher, or my waiter in the restaurant, or the balloon seller who makes the kids smile, for Dayhood. Not more than twenty nominations will be required to be generated for this to happen.

The Dayhood will essentially recognise a person's ability to brighten up people's days in some way- through being a nice person, by bringing joy into others' lives, by bringing a smile to your face, etc..there will be no control on the number of Dayhoods, unlike Knighthoods. And the objective will be to have lots of 'Days'. Again, a very small recognition will be given to the Day by the community of neighbours, without fanfare, or boring speeches. May be a nice flower, or a card, or some such token of what people think of them. Over time, this will earn respect for people from all walks of life.

'Days' of a rectangular table can hold regular meets, like Knights of the Round Table did earlier. They can share their stories, a la TED, and others can listen in, and try to emulate them if they want to.

Did I make your day?


Harimohan said...

Fine thought and sure did make my day indeed. My two pence to this new idea - Kdays or like the Wodehousian PDays could avoid confusion between Day and Day. (In some parts of South India where they address one another affectionately as 'A Day!' it would catch on quickly.) Super idea Prof.

Diamond Head said...

Conversely why is there no Nightja vu?

Dr. Seven said...

I nominate Manna Dey.

Rajendra said...

Did not think of the danger of all the Bongs who might clamour for being 'Dayed', though Manna da is a great candidate! Heard him live a few years ago, when he was 90 plus.

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