
If there is an Oktoberfest, why not a Novemberfest? Decemberfest? You get the idea.

Every day is a celebration-or ought to be. Why celebrate only a birthday? Aren't we growing everyday? (I did not say growing up, please note).

A year is too long to wait. Find something that you can celebrate today. A good conversation (for those who like them), a nice book (for those who..), a nice look, a set of smileys on your post (everybody likes them), a walk in the rain...
you get the idea.

If you are short on entertainment, turn on your TV, ..not to the entertainment channels, but to the news debates. You will either die laughing (they are juvenile), or smash the TV..and have something to cry about, instead of crying out for entertainment.

My new mantra in life is to just do it-celebrate it, I mean. Hope you will too. All the best!

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