No-thought Leadership

I thought about various things today. Yes, I do that at times. But then, this thought-thinking business is addictive, and one thought follows another for no good reason. This train of thoughts finally came to a halt, and I became thoughtless-yes, just like you can be speechless in the face of some beautiful object, person, etc., you can also be thoughtless. Not thoughtless, as in uncaring, but just without thoughts crossing your mind- there is a red light that stops thought, flashing in your mind.

All gurus talk about how being - just BEING, with no thought, I mean, is the key to many good things. So I decided that being a Thought Leader may be passe, and I need to be a No-thought leader. The more I thought about it, the more it appealed to me. But how would I convey this thought to others, that they should be without thought, I wondered.

Ok, I am still thinking about it. But the idea is good, you must admit...

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