Astrology Backwards

 This is strictly in the realm of fiction, let me state up front. Since I don't have a name for this technique, I am calling it backwards astrology- rather, Astrology Backwards.

It involves looking back at your life, and telling you what you did, and when. For instance, it will tell me I won a race in the 100 metres in school, in the year 1967. And got a chocolate as a prize. Of course, it will also tell me when I acted like a prize idiot in life, and did not get a reward. So there is a downside.

You might argue that if people kept a diary, they wouldn't need this. Or, with Facebook reminding you what you posted N years ago, you think this technique is worthless. But what about the Kodak moments that got away? For instance, your first awkward speech that you did not record in your memory, your first awkward attempt at dating, get what I am getting at, I suppose. Backwards astrology will give you all of that, and more.

Not just people, it will give you the foolish things countries did and when. There seems to be a memory loss in that direction, barring Shashi Tharoor's calculations in the case of British looting India. So it will serve us well to remember these things..particularly when it deals with OTHER countries being foolish. 

So you see, your arguments don't hold water. What, you want to call it History? No, I would argue my name for it is much more compatible with what you get.

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