P G Wodehouse

 He was the first author who got me interested in Humour, apart from the comic books. Later, Pu. La. Deshpande in Marathi too. 

PGW created a world full of English Lords, and valets/butlers which to us was completely at odds with our reality. Yet, it was a fascinating world, and kept me glued to these stories. The plots themselves were mostly predictable. It seems that the Lords had very little work to do or none at all. Their time was equally divided between dodging aunts and creditors, and getting engaged to various girls in the vicinity and trying to wriggle out of it.

The Jeeves character was a perfect foil in some of these stories, the all-knowing Man Friday who got the Berties out of jams. The delightful use of English was of course, a major highlight, and some descriptions and metaphors are just outstanding. 

To this joyous world, even if fictional, a salute. And to its creator.


Diamond Head said...

No one seems to name their kid Pelham these days.
Or Yudhishthir for that matter.

Rajendra said...

Too complicated. Yash sounds easier. Or Jim.

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