Reincarnation of Peter Proud and Throne of Blood- Movies Review

I first saw The Reincarnation of Peter Proud in the late 70s. I saw it once again this week. I think it is one of the best whodunits of all time, with some reincarnation to spice it up. It is gripping, well made, and has a professor as its protagonist (this happens rarely, I only remember Raaj Kumar in Bulundi as another). This guy goes back to his earlier inhabited town (in a previous life), and what happens thereafter is really interesting. Recommend that you see it to find out. Michael Sarrazin and Jennifer O'neill star competently, along with Margot Kidder who has a significant role.

'Throne of Blood' is a Kurosawa adaptation of Macbeth, as far as I can make out. It is well-crafted, and for the most part, very engaging. The main parts are played well by the equivalents of Macbeth and Mrs. Macbeth. Kurosawa's style is masterly, and the story is the hero of his films, which usually are made with an unhurried pace, but keep you engrossed as the story unfolds. His favorite Toshiro Mifune acts in this movie too, and does a very good job. My new-found love for the Japanese cinema and literature (Murakami) makes me wonder if I was a Japanese in previous birth.

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