Netaholics Anonymous

Like the eponymous (not sure what this means, it is a trial usage) Alcoholics Anonymous, we could have many anonymii (this is my invention, in the tradition of Milton -more on him later in a book review coming soon) for various ills that plague 'society'- a euphemism for 'you and me'.

The obvious one is Netaholics ananymous. This will be a support group which visits the jungles of Africa and face a tiger, crocodile, or other man-eating species. Thereby ridding themselves of any urge other than survival. Net addiction would be the last thing you could think of.

Corruptoholics Anonymous. They would be taken as a group to visit countries where the corrupt are hanged, guillotined, or otherwise suitably disposed of. The cure would follow automatically.

Cellphonaholics Anonymous. This support group would be subjected to screechy sounds from objects like cell phones held close to their ears. Heavy metal or other 'music' may be also tried at high volume, creating a phobia for anything held close to the ear. Playing it by the ear would get a new meaning.

Girlfriendoholics Anonymous. These guys would be shown destitutes and the causes of their destitution- bills unpaid, resulting from unexplained shopping sprees by their girlfriends (erstwhile). This would immediately cure them of the urge to acquire girlfriends. Recorded marital arguments could be a booster dose of medicine if they show any tendency to relapse.

Boyfriendoholics Anonymous. The girl groups would be shown videos of bachelor parties that men were having after they were married to their girlfriends. Also, their addiction to football, cricket and other stupid pastimes, and aversion to work of any kind would be suitably highlighted. Lindsay Lohan would be a special invitee.

There are many more potentially anonymous groups, but I want to make sure that I write about them anonymously.


Diamond Head said...

Capital ideas here - add to that Animosity Anonymous where alumni of all above mentioned anonymii are invited to partake in airing of the laundries to those that have been known to exhibit atrocious rage aka rageaholics as to give them a taste of their own medicine. Since actions speak louder than words a special event where firing besides airing will be allowed (of those that are animous).

Rajendra said...

fabulous, if I may say so.

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