Hypotheses About Life

Our hypotheses (OK, let's call them beliefs if that makes LIFE simpler) keep changing with time. A possible set might look as follows-

At age 0-1

Mom and dad are the only two useful creatures.

At age 1-5

There are foods beyond milk, and that too comes in various containers.

Age 6-12

Everyone thinks I should study. Why is that ('question'able hypothesis)?

Age 13-19

I am a tennager! Yippee, I can throw tantrums, and people will tolerate them.

I need to be like every other cool guy I see around me.

Age 20-25

Money does not grow on trees. I may have to work at it some day.

More money equals more happiness.

Age 26-40

I need a bigger house, a bigger car (or two), a big screen TV (to do what?), a bank balance in a bank that won't go under (a near impossibility in hindsight now), children who will behave (did I is an irrelevant question)

Age 41-55

I need Mediclaim- lots of it! My kids need to change the world, though I did not while I had a chance.

Age 56-65

Now, where was I? What's a hypothesis?

Age 66 and above

All these guys (aged 65 and below) are crazy, immature.


madhav kumar said...

Sir,in your book"my experiment with half truth", you have defined the life as of getting out of the boredom.As i understood it that a man keeps doing thing to entertain himself through out his life.Whether he is motivated to do so or not.
In one paragraph, you have mentioned that if one guy is not self motivated to study,he ends up wasting all his time.
Sir,if a man is not interested in doing any thing like sports, study .He is doing it just to sustain in the league.In simple words, i want to ask how one can achieve a self motivation state from that pathetic state(when one starts admiring boredom more than life) since the state of self motivation being totally internal.

Diamond Head said...

I can see your wife singing 'Buddha' (aka old man not the enlightened one) mil gaya ree..

Meghna said...

1-5 is interesting. I was excited about food that came without containers too. I agree with the 6-12 bit totally.. I think I am still there!

Rajendra said...

Diamond Head, I agree..she has been at it for a while now..

Madhav, How to get this self-motivation is a personal thing. It may be triggered by someone in your life, or an event, or just by introspection.

Meghna, you are really funny..:) good for you!

madhav kumar said...

Thank you sir,can you recommend something different for introspection other than SWOT analysis.

Rajendra said...

Madhav, Maybe just focus on strengths and keep building on them at every chance..develop hobbies? Read an article by Sidin Vadukut recently that said hobbies could become careers for some..

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