Shudh Desi TV Serial ka Script

A lady appears wearing a Kanjeevaram silk saree straight out of bed in the morning. She looks at the visitor who rang the bell. Ma-in-law, sister-in-law, are listening in. It is not considered to be rude to listen in to private conversations.

The lady-in-Kanjeevaram (LIK here onwards) looks at the visitor and gasps, (translated into English) ", I thought you were dead."

The visitor looks at the LIK and freezes,  " ..You mean.."

LIK:  "Yes, I got married again. Why have you come here now?"

SIL and MIL (out of sight) begin to smirk with an expression that says, "I knew it. This holier-than-thou bahu had a secret..wait until my son/brother gets back.."

The frozen guy unfreezes, and gives a sacrificial lamb's expression, and says, "I will never want you unhappy", and then freezes his expression again, and walks out.

The LIK turns around, only to find the smirking in-laws coming out of their positions behind the respective walls. (it is very important to have sets with walls, crevices and corners in a desi serial). They all look at one another, about four times....

Episode ends tantalisingly, and you wait for the next one eagerly..


Anil Kshatriya said...

Ha ha ha. Good one Sir :)

Harimohan said...

A tear or two streaking down those well made up cheeks, a pained expression carrying the pain of all the centuries and a huge dollop of victimhood will have us all craving for more...after all its shudh desi. Jai ho.

Diamond Head said...

Askance is a style that comes to mind. The said ILs always seem to speak to the speakee at an angle that is unnatural for any sane human to take. I have observed this behavior from the days of Dhritarashtra, Kunti et al..

Rajendra said...

I am happy to note that you have done serious research on this genre, an important one to half of India's population. Ekta ki jai!

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