Corporate Chieftains

Like the tribes which are now extinct, corporates have their own lingo that seeks to impress. Does it? Let's figure out with the help of a few designations and their full forms/meaning.

CEO- Chief Entertainment Officer. Most would qualify, eminently.

CFO - Chief Frauds Officer. Remember Enron?

CTO - Chief Tinkerer with Office computers

CMO- Chief Mourning Officer (for bad sales, which is most of the time)

Exec Ass to the CEO- the second word says it all!

Vice President- Second guy in a two-man company

President- One who oversees the shutdown of a company or a government. Yes, he can!



Diamond Head said...

too many chiefs not many indians

Anonymous said...

very impressed...but dont let out the secret Sir...I aspire to be one of of these days :P

Rajendra said...

Indians in India are busy chasing their onions, DH.

Anonymous, that's why I called it fiction, not fact :) Protecting the turf.

Rakesh said...

Sir, and then we have COO, Chief Ordering Officer.( taking and serving orders)

Rakesh said...

Sir, and then we have COO, Chief Ordering Officer.( taking and serving orders)

Rakesh said...
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