Learnings From Current Events

I don't know if you can make such a leap, but this is an attempt to cull out learnings from events that were in the headlines in the last few weeks.

The Tarun Tejpal Saga

If you 'sting' others, you better be prepared for a sting too.

For female employees, it is that you have to be careful of situations that may lead you to be in close proximity to the (male) boss by yourself. Harassment is a fact of life in many workplaces. You must know how to protect yourself. And of course, if it happens, have the courage to call a spade a spade. Of course, that is easier said than done.

For male employers- a female employee is a human being, not your property. She cannot be mistreated just because of her gender. Neanderthal males need to wake up.
There are also occasional false allegations of harassment, for whatever reason. So you also need to be careful not to put yourself in potentially dangerous situations. Have witnesses, mails, evidence for any such above-board encounters with a female employee. Keep the door open when talking to them in office, if you suspect any foul play might happen.

The Aarushi Murder Case

Do not have male live-in servants if you have a teenage daughter. Prevention is better than a cure for what may be a natural attraction.
Also, get a heart to forgive trespasses of a daughter (or a son). They are still growing up. You, the parent, are supposed to be wiser. Compassion is a necessary quality in a parent. Life is not a race, nor is it trying to live up to the neighbours' view of what is right.

The Asaram Bapu Saga

There are few good (god) men around. Be careful, very, very careful in choosing one, if at all. Rely on the dead ones. They can do no mischief, at least.

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