Caselets- On People I Know

 Following my own advice in my last post, I wrote some brief descriptions/caselets, based on my perceptions of some people I know.. 

Manasa Nagabhushanam

A great (now ex) colleague, and a relationship builder. She marketed the IUP program among Bangalore colleges on the strength of those relationships alone, and we had the program going- it's still going strong.


The man from Ooty, and a great friend and colleague. He also was my Ph.D. student, but that is incidental. We lived in the same complex at Bangalore, and he became Head of the Dept. at BMS this year too, after being there a few years. We were together at PES, and at IFIM, I was introduced to him by Bala, another good friend who is no more. Sane at all times, balanced in good times and bad.

Jogeswari aka Jogi

She's been a Hyderabadi who never lost touch, maybe because she has a magic touch. Now a part of Golftripz, she also tried an entrepreneurial venture or two, apart from being a Google Girl- one of the first employees at Google Hyderabad. She was also a topper at KIAMS, in her batch-1999-2001. I have shot my only video case study with her and Madhav.

Anusha Soni

Got to know her as an IPM student at IIM Indore, and a bit more closely after I taught her Golf. Loves Guavas and Sabudana khichadi (like us ghatis, though she's from Bhopal). We met in Pune too, where she did some good things like a re-launch, for Bajaj Auto. Hope to also share some common interests in beverages with her in future.


Friend, Golfer and entrepreneur, earlier he taught OB at Harihar. Is also a Clinical Psychologist by training. He runs a school in Coimbatore, and owns a farmhouse too. He is great company on Golf tours, which we go on each year, to some exotic location like Kodai or Munnar. Has a daughter-in-law who taught me how to take pot-shots with a Rifle- a real one. So you need to be careful!

Swati Jain

This one was a surprise package. I didn't know much about her except that she had curly hair, and discovered she is a banker with some really creative ideas on digital products at BoB. Another one after Ankita Saboo/Joshi. We had a long meeting over dinner, and I have added her to my significant list of pals from Bhopal. To paraphrase a Honda ad from the U.S., you meet the nicest people in Bhopal (from Bhopal in this case). She can't resist potatoes, and therefore is not totally into Jain food!

Nikita Kumar Ray

She was a placecommie at IMT Nagpur, but we really met after that stint, in Pune, Hyderabad and then Delhi. She is a warm, fun person. I owe her a few Cadbury Silks, and the interest burden is growing- I might go the way of Sri Lanka if this goes on.. She is also a very good corporate leader, and a cook? She has promised to feed me home-made khaana sometime!

Ok, there are singers, authors, film directors, actresses and more among the plethora of friends I have, so watch this space for more...

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