Celebrating Birthdays

 Logically, you are growing each day, so how many times you choose to celebrate should be left to you. But since cake can be expensive, or maybe you can't have your cake and eat it too-everyday, I mean- you tend to celebrate it yearly.

I am fine with someone taking me to the Bahamas -or even Goa- on my birthday, and I am also OK with someone not taking me anywhere, just having a chat over chai or other beverages found in nearby stores. I am quite adjustable that way. 

Ok, you might have guessed that THE day is nearing, and so is my departure from Bangalore for other shores. So the partying has begun in right earnest, with a few done, and a few to go. Of course, farewell parties are another reason I change jobs- I got so many over the years. My parents probably got only one, or two.

Kidding aside, we are actually meeting up, and some surprises have already happened. I met two alums of IMT Nagpur, both in diverse fields-Finance and HR- in a week! After a decade, that too. Missed a couple too, but I am sure we'll catch up soon. 

In short, every celebration makes me feel like a celebrity, and that I am important in somebody's life- and that's a great feeling, birthday or no birthday!

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