Sometimes, to make a mark, you have to remain silent in a crowd of babblers. Or speak out in a silent majority. Or do something that others aren't doing. Thus, it should be no surprise that some who disappear from the public sight, for whatever reason, become overnight celebrities.
Would the Buddha have had a chance at being the enlightened, had the media those days been as active? or would they have hounded him out of his silent meditation under the tree? Even when he walked away, he could not stop himself becoming famous after being 'found out'. Even hermits who make the Himalayas their home are constantly being accosted by wannabe hermits like Steve Jobs and many other ordinary mortals.
So what does that say for disappearances? Appearances may be deceptive, but disappearances are no less. And effective. They serve a purpose, at least until someone finds you. The stories from childhood always had a magic cloak or coat that would make the wearer invisible, and then he could indulge in many adventures unseen.
The ones that the media keep the spotlight on, are a part of everyday conversation. But ever wonder what happens to the ones that disappear? Are they better off for their disappearance, or worse? I would say, nothing like an occasional disappearance to keep the interest alive. Not too long, just long enough...
A blog about life, Hindi music, films, humour, books, people, places, events, travel, and occasionally, marketing management or leadership. Mostly apolitical, because that is a personal matter that each of us should decide on, and because I don't want to lose readers!
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It is an interesting thought. The mystery is always maintained if one can balance that effectively - as the stars of the olden days had and got elevated to an almost demi god status.
Also thought that some people could charge disappearance money and make a packet. There are many people who would like to see someone or the other disappear - even for a while.
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