
Golftripz is an Indian company that takes Indian golferto play abroad and provides a complete package with golf course selection, travel and management of your accommodation and so on. All you have to do is relax and play some golf at stunning golf courses with amazing facilities wherever you go. They also do tournaments for amateur golfers, and one such is coming up from February 21st to 25th in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

I went with Golftripz to Thailand last year and it was an eye-opener in terms of what India lacks by way of golf facilities. I almost feel like starting one myself. Maybe one day....

If any reader is interested, do check out their website or get onto their mailing list. They also do organise inbound golf into India.


Diamond Head said...

Start the golf business I say Hole'e' man

Rajendra said...

Yeah, soon as I tie up the funding from all the banks that have lined up outside my office. Or was it a dream?

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