All About Bacteria

This is a very interesting book, though I don't agree with all that it proposes in terms of lifestyle changes. It is written by a guy called Ravi Mantha, who is a health activist.

His major proposition is that preventing ill-health is better than treating bad health. Agree 100%. Also, his remarks on the pharma industry trying to increase sales of drugs and costly treatments are bang on.

He suggests that bacteria are good, necessary, and we are mostly bacteria, and the world as we don''t know it, is also mostly bacteria, with humans and complex organisms in a minority.

He has some interesting theories (supported by some research mostly) on treatments too. But his emphasis is on prevention of sickness.

Major points- iron in excess is bad for health and causes many health problems, some fatal. Not in a day, but over a few years. He quotes some treatments that are similar to bloodletting that was practised in the medieval times, as a cure. Only, he says it can be a civilised blood donation instead, and that can cure you of some excess iron related problems like boils and more!

Red wine and spirits like whiskey are good in moderation. I love this!

Grains (rice and wheat) are bad, and so is sugar. I don't know if that is true, if the diet is balanced.

Broad spectrum antibiotics are bad because they clean out good and bad bacteria from the tummy, and can cause serious problems as a result. In general, antibiotics are overused. Probably true.

Vitamin supplements, household disinfectants, and hospital visits (except in an emergency) all face his ire, because they are no good.

Kissing is highly recommended, and so is egg yolk. I love this guy! You will adore bacteria too, if you read this.


Harimohan said...

Ah, what would we do without a healthy exchange of bacteria! I support this bacteria exchange movement - it's a good health initiative.

Ravi Mantha said...

Hello Rajendra,
I am Ravi Mantha and I really appreciate your comments! Thank you for reading the book and for your positive feedback. Please could you also let people know about my health blog where I offer free articles on health and an opportunity to have a dialogue.
thank you,
Ravi Mantha

Rajendra said...

Welcome, Ravi. I am a reader first and everything else afterwards, though golf comes close. Enjoy a good read, such as this.

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