Strong Arms

First there was Neil. He was over the top, so much that he went to the moon, though some contentitous folks keep contending that he never did, that the U.S. faked it.

Then there was Lance. He conned the world with a series of steroid-induced cyclathon victories over decades.

Does that mean strong-arm tactics don't work? You could be in a never-ending 'arms' race if you tried taking on the world? Arming yourself to the teeth with weapons of self-destruction would seem to be the arm...sorry, norm, for some.

What if we had things like honesty, admittedly an outdated virtue, in our 'armoury?' Would it hurt badly? After all, being number one in the world in anything, is a mirage, and fairly short term, as even the 'Superman' and 'The Greatest" found out. Why then, this arms race to strong-arm yourself into that position? 

1 comment:

Diamond Head said...

I suppose its 'Arm'ageddon

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