People Next Door

 These are further sub-divided into the Boy Next Door and the Girl Next Door. In films, for example, many of the hero/heroine characters are made of fantasy, with qualities you rarely encounter in one human. And they are flawless. Except when Basu Chatterjee made films like Rajnigandha. He had Amol Palekar and Vidya Sinha play two simple and relatable human beings, who could have been your next door neighbours, without any superhuman qualities in fights or dancing or anything else. 

On the other hand, there's plenty of talent, beauty, etc. to be found next door (not literally but in your circle of acquaintances) if you care to look. From my encounters with my own students and alumni (and colleagues), I am constantly made aware of this fact. They know so many things, that I have never heard of. They have talent for entrepreneurship, or for some fine art, or sport, often. Or they are experts in game-playing/gaming (in a positive sense), and so on. Some are into acting, modelling, writing, painting, and what not.

My point is simply, that fantasy has its place, but people who make a difference in our lives are right next to us, if we just care to look around, So start looking, and befriending might just learn something new.

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