Wartime Innovations

 Ok, war is bad. We all know that. But it is necessary for the war machines to keep production of ammunition going and growing. We also know that. Therefore, we need innovation in wars-or innovative wars.

There have to be wars. Understood. But destruction, killing, mass migration? These are not inevitable. So, to achieve painless but real wars, here are two suggestions (one borrowed from a friend, one mine)

1. Have real ammunition fired at specially created dummy targets created in the enemy country, by prior arrangement with them. Fire all your missiles into those. That's how films do it, so we have the expertise, in creating sets that will get destroyed, instead of real people. The warmongers get the satisfaction of having done their macho thing. No people are harmed.

2. Both sides acquire technology which can divert all missiles and bombs to sites that are harmless, once these are fired/dropped. They are detected midstream and diverted, so there is no damage to life and property, but both sides can claim that thousands of bombs were dropped on the enemy.

How about it? Both are viable solutions, and the first is cheaper- just set aside some land for the bombings. 

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