Exam Obsession

 We as a country (I mean India) have an exam obsession. But I suggest going a step beyond, and doing some research on what kind of exams are good and what are counter-productive, or even unnecessary (!)

A simple aptitude test is probably OK, to check if a person has basic skills like language or logic for a particular field of study, but almost everything else can be learnt on the job if the candidate has the right aptitude, and attitude.

Within courses of study, application should matter a lot more than it does now. Industry needs to get involved more, in engineering, commerce, and management at least, in offering internships, live projects and practical training that is flexible, and results in learning of that kind. Teachers can do their bit by designing evaluation techniques that encourage these learnings- class projects, discussions, debates and presentations, rather than 2 hour exams that test rote learning, at all levels. If a simple test of aptitude can generate a merit list, Board exams can be eliminated, and replaced with other forms of continuous evaluation. The pandemic has forced a rethink on many centralised exam systems that may have outlived their utility. 

A major rethink is needed, on the whole subject of what role exams should play, at every stage. 

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