Madhya Pradesh

 Next to Karnataka, I may have stayed the longest in this state, if I discount Andhra Pradesh where I was born and brought up. Except for a visit to Jabalpur and Indore when in my teens, I did not know much about M.P. But it grew on me. I made a lot of friends who I found were very nice.. students, academic associates, faculty and staff who I had a chance to work with, all thanks to IIM Indore, my employer. I also discovered that many of my students from elsewhere belonged to M.P., and my respect for the state grew. Another reason

-my favourite singer, Kishore Kumar, grew up in Khandwa, not far from Indore.

Among faculty, Harsh Halve from IMT Nagpur was also in Indore (Jaipuria) for part of my stay, and Aditya Billore and Ashish were both my colleagues and in my area. Aditya and I also co-taught a course for the EPGP. IIM Indore has a beautiful campus, and some beautiful people living on it. Of course, they came from all over India, but I made many friends among FPM students, and PGPs (Mumbai too), PGP MX, and even IPMs, though I never formally taught them. Also, my fourth edition of Marketing Research got published there, and so did a book (edited) titled Digital Marketing Cases From India, with Romi Sainy as co-editor.

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