Doctor Jokes

Some doctor-patient jokes from a recently acquired book called Two Nuns in a Bath.

A man went to the doctor and said, " Doctor, I keep having visions of the future."
"When did these start?"
" Next Thursday."

A man told the doctor, " I've got AIDS, Syphilis, Herpes and Gonorrhea."
"Ah," said the doctor "You are what we call an incurable romantic."

Why did the doctor carry out blood tests on the secretarial candidates?
So that he could eliminate type-Os.

A man went to the doctor and said: "Doctor, I think I am a moth."
Doctor: "You think you are a  moth? Well, instead of coming to me, why didn't you go to a psychiatrist?"
The man said, "Your light was on."


Meghna said...

Hahaha! The 'incurable romantic' is the best!

smita said...

very funny.

Rajendra said...

Yes, Meghna, I like that the best too. Fantastic wordplay.

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